Health care that works for working families.
Trusted. Affordable. Bilingual.
Houston, TX
Recognized as an HRSA Health Center Quality Leader for five consecutive years, ranking in the top 30% of health centers nationwide.
New patients — insured and uninsured — are always welcome. Medicaid, Medicare, and most private insurance plans are accepted at both locations. For patients without insurance, sliding scale fees are offered based on what they can afford to pay.
Children & Women’s Health Center
5808 Airline Drive
Houston, TX 77076
Call us to make an appointment.
Denver Harbor
Family Health Center
424 Hahlo Street
Houston, TX 77020
Call us to make an appointment.
National HRSA quality leader: Celebrating 5 years
We are proud to continue our legacy of quality in 2024, earning recognition as an HRSA Health Center Quality Leader for the 5th consecutive year.
No health insurance? No problem! Vecino’s Get Care Program
Don’t let a lack of health insurance prevent you from getting quality health care. If you’re uninsured, we can help make care affordable for you.